Being viewed over 1 million times, you're viewing the most comprehensive Pest Eradication articles on the web, all written by Joe Bagley - THE HOUSEPLANT DOCTOR


Mealybugs are renowned for surviving even the harshest of pest control, so click here to learn more about eradicating an infestation!

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Aphids & Greenfly

In most cases, Aphids & Greenfly can take a while to signs of destruction. Click here to learn about tips & tricks and why non chemical-based pesticides are the way to go.

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Spider Mites

Persistence and consistency are the key ingredients to eradicate a pesky Mite infestation. Click here to learn about our tips & tricks!

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Thrips - Thunderflies

Thrips can be highly contagious & damaging, but with our tips and tricks, any infestation can be controlled & destroyed!

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Blackfly are a close relative to the Aphid family and will most likely attack the juvenile tissue of a plant. Click here to learn about our tips & tricks on how to destroy a population.

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Like Soil Mites, Springtails are actually beneficial to your plants and boast no health issues to humans either. This article mentions their role within Houseplant Compost and a step-by-step guide on how to address an infestation.

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Soil Mites

Often confused with Fungus Gnat larvae, Soil Mites are somewhat common in houseplant soils. Fear not though, as they are actually beneficial to the compost and harmless to the plant or humans!

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Root Mealybug

Learn about the symptoms of an infestation & how hot water can be more effective than conventional pesticides...

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Vine Weevils

Vine or Root Weevils are the most uncommon pests on this list, but can still cause great confusion on how to eradicate an infestation without specialist advice.

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Scale will produce a sticky residue known as 'excretion', which is the prominent symptom of an attack. Visit this article to learn about addressing an attack and its sticky counterpart.

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Fungus Gnats

Click here to learn about the annoying, yet harmless Fungus Gnat - & how to eradicate an infestation!

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Click here to learn more about its life cycle, eradication of an infestation & which products are best.

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